P01-A |
Rewiring of Transcription Factor Network during the Differentiation of
Embryonic Stem Cells |
Kenjiro Adachi |
P02-A |
Genome-wide Screening for Oocyte-inherited DNA Methylation Reveals Unusual
Features for Imprinted Control Regions |
Deborah Bourc'his |
P03-B |
Aberrant TGF-β/SMAD4 Signaling Contributes to Epigenetic Silencing of a
Putative Tumor Suppressor, RunX1T1 in Ovarian Cancer |
Michael W.Y. Chan |
P04-B |
Epigenetic Silencing of NR4A3 by Aberrant JAK/STAT Signaling is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Gastric
Cancer |
Liang-Yu Chang |
P05-A |
Chromatinized Fetal Genes Show Contextual and Opposing Association of Brahma
and Brg1 with Distinguishable Gene Activity in the Hypertrophic Heart |
Lisa Chang |
P06-A |
Enhancer Identification in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells |
Julie Chih-Yu Chen |
P07-B |
Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 Activates Wnt/ß-catenin Signaling to Promote Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development |
Alfred Sze-Lok Cheng |
P08-B |
Hypomethylaion of TGF-β Target Gene, ABCA1 in Ovarian Cancer and Cancer Initialing Cell and is Associated with Poor
Prognosis in Cancer Patients |
Jian-Liang Chou |
P09-A |
Identification of Genetic and Epigenetic Factors Important for Neural Induction
in Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) |
Ching-Yu Chuang |
P10-A |
A Novel Family of Restriction Endonucleases as a Tool for Epigenetic Research |
Devora Cohen-Karni |
P11-B |
5-hydroxymethylcytosine Marks Actively Transcribed Genes and Intergenic
Enhancers in Neurons |
Bradley Colquitt |
P12-B |
The Genome-wide Distribution and Biological Role of Zinc-finger-containing Methyl-binding Proteins |
Pierre-Antoine Defossez |
P13-A |
Absence of H3 Lysine-4 Methylation and Transcription Pre-empt Acquisition
of DNA Methylation Imprints in Male Germ Cells |
Robert Feil |
P14-A |
NANOG Reporter Cell Lines Generated by Gene Targeting in Human Embryonic Stem Cells |
Yvonne Fischer |
P15-B |
Investigating a Novel Role of a Mitotic Epigenetic Regulator in Cytoskeletal and Spindle Dynamics |
Jason Robert Ford |
P16-B |
N-terminal Phosphorylation of HP1α Promotes its Chromatin Binding |
Kyoko Hamada |
P17-A |
Transcriptional Modulation of Pluirpotency Genes by the NuRD Complex Controls Lineage Commitment of ES Cells |
Brian Hendrich |
P18-A |
Temporal Regulation of Cortical Neural Precursor Cell Fate by Polycomb
Group Proteins |
Yusuke Hirabayashi |
P19-B |
Molecular Identification of Vertebrate Phylotypic Stage and Epigenetic
Insights of Vertebrate Embryogenesis |
Naoki Irie |
P20-B |
Condensed Chromatin Marked by K27-Trimethylated Histone H3 Determines Alternative Promoter Usage of the CYP19 Gene |
Satoru Ishihara |
P21-A |
Role of Tet Proteins in 5mC to 5hmC Conversion, ES-cell Self-renewal and
Inner Cell Mass Specification |
Shinsuke Ito |
P22-A |
Deciphering the Epigenetic License to Replicate |
Eric Julien |
P23-B |
Disrupted H2A.Z in in vitro Cultured Mouse Preimplantation Embryos may Predict Abnormal Placental Development |
Georgia Kafer |
P24-B |
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Control of the Tumor-promoting State |
Michael H. Kagey |
P25-A |
Epigenetic Modification of NET(Slc6a2) Gene in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome |
Harikrishnan Kaipananickal |
P26-A |
Zfp521 Drives the Intrinsic Transition of ES Cell Differentiation into
Neural Progenitors |
Daisuke Kamiya |
P27-B |
Epigenetically Coordinate GATA2 Cistrome is Necessary for the Determination
of the Endothelial Cell Specificity |
Yasuharu Kanki |
P28-B |
Repressive Chromatin Structures induced by the Hyperexpanded Tract of GAA
Repeats are associated with Frataxin Deficiency in Friedreich’s Ataxia |
Eunah Kim |
P29-A |
Reprogramming Oncogene Expression during iPS Formation |
Kenichiro Kobayashi |
P30-A |
Mathematics of Fate Determination in Noisy Environment |
Tetsuya J. Kobayashi |
P31-B |
Ecdysone Regulats Gene Amplification Necessary for Drosophila Development |
Hidetsugu Kohzaki |
P32-B |
GATA2 is Required for Oncogenic KRAS- and EGFR-Drive
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer |
Madhu S. Kumar |
P33-A |
Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Identifies Chromatin Effector Proteins |
Georg Kustatscher |
P34-A |
NuRD Regulates the Barrier between Embryonic and Extraembryonic Cell Fates |
Paulina Annna Latos |
P35-B |
Polycomb Proteins Define the Epiblast Differentiation Potential of ES Cells
by Redundant Silencing of Target Genes |
Martin Leeb |
P36-B |
On Reprogramming Primordial Germ Cells to Ground State Pluripotency |
Harry G. Leitch |
P37-A |
Role of Histone Methyltransferase Whsc1 in Skeletal Development |
Wan Ning Lo |
P38-A |
Systematic Identification of Transcription Factors Capable of Inducing Cells of Interest |
Shinji Masui |
P39-B |
Epigenetic Regulation of GLUT3 via HIF1 as an Enhancer Under Hypoxia |
Imari Mimura |
P40-B |
Olfactory Receptor Neuron Identity is Diversified by the Drosophila Evi1/Prdm16 Homologue Hamlet that Mediates Chromatin Modification at Notch-target
Loci |
Adrian Walton Moore |
P41-A |
Epigenetic Regulation of Lifelong Region-specific Expression of zic1/zic4, Key Regulators of Vertebrate Body Patterning |
Ryohei Nakamura |
P42-A |
Effects of PGC7 on the Methylation and Hydroxymethylation of Cytosine Through
H3K9me2 in Early Embryogenesis |
Toshinobu Nakamura |
P43-B |
The Histone H3K4 Demethylase RBP2 Forms Distinct Corepressor Complexes
Gohei Nishibuchi |
P44-B |
Genome-wide Analysis of Wnt/ß-catenin Signaling during Cardiomyocyte Differentiation |
Seitaro Nomura |
P45-A |
Analysis of the Role for Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 in Reprogramming
of Host Cells by an Invading Parasite |
Arshana Noorul Amin |
P46-A |
Uhrf1/Np95 is a Maternal Effect Gene Essential for Mouse Preimplantation Development |
Masaaki Oda |
P47-B |
Cell Type-specific Gene Body DNA Hypomethylation in Cardiac Myosin Heavy
Chain (MHC) Gene Locus Contributes to Efficient Transcription at Postnatal
Development of Mouse Cardiomyocytes |
Mayumi Oda |
P48-B |
Inference of Disease Attractors and Gene Regulatory Network of Disease
Progression |
Soichi Ogishima |
P49-A |
Tensile Biomechanical Properties of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Constructs
Generated from Rabbit Nasal Septal Chondrocytes |
Jeong-Hoon Oh |
P50-A |
Functional Window of Tsix in Imprinted X-inactivation |
Tatsuya Ohhata |
P51-B |
Biochemical Characterisation of the Set7/9 Histone Methyltransferase in
Models of Hyperglycemic Variability |
Jun Okabe |
P52-B |
Investigation of the Role of H3K79 Methylation in Spermatogonial Stem Cells |
Yuki Okada |
P53-A |
Non-coding RNA Regulation of Neurogenin1 During Neocortical Development |
Masahiro Onoguchi |
P54-A |
A Role for Vasa in Regulating Mitotic Chromosome Condensation in Drosophila |
Jun Wei Pek |
P55-B |
Insertion Site Preferences of the PiggyBac Transposon |
Stephen J. Pettitt |
P56-B |
Hedgehog Inhibition Induces Definitive Hematopoiesis by Globin Switching |
Shravanti Rampalli-Deshpande |
P57-A |
Ftx is a Non-Coding RNA which Affects Xist Expression and Chromatin Structure within the X-Inactivation Center Region |
Claire Rougeulle |
P58-A |
Lineage Specific Distribution of High Levels of Genomic 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine
in Mammalian Development |
Alexey Ruzov |
P59-B |
Nuclear Domain Involved in Gene Expression is Developmentally Regulated |
Noriko Saitoh |
P60-B |
Alteration of Ucp1 Promoter Methylation by Phytoestrogen in Mouse Embryoid Body Differentiation
Culture |
Noriko Sato |
P61-A |
Gemcitabine Functions Epigenetically by Inhibiting Repair Mediated DNA
Demethylation |
Andrea Schäfer |
P62-A |
Replication-dependent Passive Mechanisms Modulate Genome-wide Demethylation
in Primordial Germ Cells |
Yoshiyuki Seki |
P63-B |
Tunable Phenotypic Diversity by a Synthetic Genetic Circuit through Autonomous
Signaling |
Ryoji Sekine |
P64-B |
Structural Basis for Demethylation of Trimethylated Histone H3K27 by UTX/KDM6A |
Toru Sengoku |
P65-A |
Modulation of the Range of Variation of Gene Expression by NuRD |
Jason Signolet |
P66-A |
UTP Stimulates Chloride Secretion in Cultured Human Middle Ear Epithelial
Cells |
Eun Jin Son |
P67-B |
FACT and H3K4me3 are Critical for Antibody Class Switch Recombination in
B Cells |
Andre Stanlie |
P68-B |
Genes Targeted by Dnmt3b in the Mouse Intestinal Mucosa Correspond to Genes
Methylated in Human Colon Cancer |
Eveline Josephine Steine |
P69-A |
Comprehensive Epigenetic Analysis of Social Environment-dependent Neuronal
Development in Domestic Chicks |
Yasushi Sugiura |
P70-A |
Large-Scale Chromatin Reorganization at Pluripotency-Associated Gene Regions |
Shin-ichiro Takebayashi |
P71-B |
Multiple Roles of ESET in Regulating the Epigenetic Repression of Neural
Precursor Cells during Development |
Siok Lay Monica Tan |
P72-B |
Drosophila Hamlet Controls Neural Cell-fate Choices via Histone Methylation |
Hiroaki Taniguchi |
P73-A |
Investigating the Role of dUTX in the Proliferation-to-Differentiation
Transition of Drosophila Male Germline Stem Cell Lineage |
Lama Tarayrah |
P74-A |
Non-coding RNA Profiling - Principles and Practices |
Toshiki Taya |
P75-B |
Epigenetic Regulation of Neural Gene Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells |
Vittavat Termglinchan |
P76-B |
Nanog Overcomes Reprogramming Barriers and Induces Pluripotency in Minimal
Conditions |
Thorold Wieger Theunissen |
P77-A |
White Matter Tract- Specific 5 Hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) Changes after
Experimentally Induced Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion in Mice |
Yanina Tsenkina |
P78-A |
Jmjd1a and G9a have Opposing Effects on Teratoma Tumor Formation |
Jun Ueda |
P79-B |
Reconstitution of Nucleosome Core Particles Containing Epigenetic Information |
Takashi Umehara |
P80-B |
Base Level Resolution of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in Mammalian DNA |
Romualdas Vaisvila |
P81-A |
Computational Framework for Reconstruction of Epigenetic Landscapes from
Gene Expression Data |
Borislav Radoslavov Vangelov |
P82-A |
Global Mapping of Cell-Type-Specific Open Chromatin by Formaldehyde-Assisted
Isolation of Regulatory Elements (FAIRE) in Adipocytes |
Hironori Waki |
P83-B |
Uncommitted Epigenetic Signatures of the Major Pluripotency Genes in Unrestricted
Somatic Stem Cells (USSC) from Human Cord Blood and Their Changes Towards
Reprogramming |
Peter Wernet |
P84-B |
Genome-wide Analysis of DNA Methylation in Stem Cell Disorder |
Yan Fung Wong |
P85-A |
microRNA Mediated Control of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation |
Zhao Xianghui |
P86-A |
A New Modification-dependent Nuclease for Potential Epigenetic Applications |
Megumu Yamada-Mabuchi |
P87-B |
Structural Studies on Lysine-specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1) |
Shigeyuki Yokoyama |