Application and Abstract Submission

We encourage submission of poster abstracts. A small number of poster abstracts will be also selected by the organizing committee for oral presentations.


■Abstract Submission and Application Deadline

12:00 pm. Friday, April 19, 2013 (Japan time)

Apr. 22, 2013 Registration has been closed.

■Number of Participants

Approximately 150

■Participation Fee and Reception Fee

Participation Fee (Lunch, Jun. 17 and 18): 3,000JPY
Reception Fee (Optional, Jun. 17): 3,000JPY


■Abstract Format:

Standard word processing format (.txt, rtf, Simple text, Word Perfect)






12 size Helvetica or Arial



1 page abstract of A4 size (210 mm X 297 mm) including the title and author information



Please include the presenting author's name in the upper right hand corner of the document file. 



Initial Capital Letters (i.e., capitalize the first letter of each significant word) (e.g., RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology)


-Author(s) and author affiliations

Author's names should be written in full and the presenting author's name should be underlined. Please add the country name after the affiliation name. When you have co-author(s), please follow the example below:


Hanako Kobe 1), Ichiro Yamada 1) 2), Hideki Matsuo 1) 2), Barack Obama 2)

1) Laboratory for Development, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan, 2) Division of Developmental Biology, USA University, USA


-Figures and photograph

Not allowed


*Accepted abstracts will be published in the meeting abstract book, copies of which will be provided to all participants and the text will be reformed to fit the design of the abstract book.


■Confirmation of Receipt:

A confirmation e-mail will be sent automatically to your e-mail address.

Please be sure that you have entered your e-mail address correctly when submitting your application. 


Please make sure to retain a copy of the e-mail. And please contact the meeting office if you do not receive the confirmation e-mail.


■Notice of Acceptance

All applicants will be reviewed by the program committee. Registration is completed once you have been accepted by the committee. Notification regarding the results of that review will be sent by e-mail in May, 2013.



Apr. 22, 2013 Registration has been closed.