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Support for Young Researchers from Overseas
CDB Travel Fellowship
The CDB will offer a limited number of travel fellowships to young researchers from overseas. We hope this system will encourage as many young scientists as possible to apply and to attend our meeting.

APDBN Travel Award
Separate to the CDB Travel Fellowship, Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Network (APDBN) offers a fellowship to participants from Asia-Pacific region. Please visit the APDBN website for details.

*Please note that the APDBN is a completely separate organization to the CDB and we are unable to provide any details reagarding the APDBN Travel Award. Please contact the APDBN office directly.

1. Researchers who are affiliated to overseas organizations as either graduate students or postdocs. (non-PI scientists), regardless of nationality.

2. Applicants who wish to make a presentation at the 16th CDB Meeting.
*The award is only given to those selected for oral presentation.

3. Applicants who will join all sessions at the 16th CDB Meeting.

Subsidies for the following items, up to the maximum amount allowable, may be provided following screening of the applicant by the meeting organizers and the CDB academic gathering committee, on the condition that no additional subsidies are provided from other organizations, domestic or overseas.

1. Actual round trip travel expenses

2. Accommodation expenses (for the period of the symposium)


Those eligible and wishing to apply for the fellowship should provide all the documents outlined below. The application deadline is Monday, June 16, 2008 and all documents should arrive at the secretariat no later than this date.

Failure to follow all the instructions may eliminate your application early in the selection process.

*In order to participate at the CDB Meeting you must apply separately through the meeting website.

1. Application form for the fellowship

PDF File

RIKEN CDB collects personal information solely for the purposes of contacting applicants with information about its academic meetings and events. We will not sell, share, or lease this information to third parties.

2. Abstract

The same abstract which was submitted as a part of meeting application process.

3. CV

Curriculum Vitae should include a summary of your education, research experience and publications.

4. Letter of recommendation from your research instructor or lab head

The letter should be signed and sealed by your research instructor or lab head.

5. Statement of reason for need

Please state the reason for applying for this support. If you have any existing subsidies or support allowing you to come to Japan, please state the details.

All documents should be printed in A4 size format, enclosed in a single envelope and sent to:

CDB Meeting Secretariat
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB)
2-2-3, Minatojima minami-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan
TEL : +81-78-306-3010
FAX : +81-78-306-3039

*Do NOT staple the documents.

Notification of receipt will be sent to your e-mail address when the secretariat receives your application.

Notification regarding the results of fellowship acceptance will be sent by e-mail at the end of July 2008.
*The award is only given to those selected for oral presentation.