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Speaker Profiles

Mike Jones
Yoshiki Sasai
Jim Smith
Gerald H. Thomsen
Naoto Ueno
John Wallingford
Akihito Yamamoto

John Wallingford

Mike Jones

John Wallingford is currently Assistant Professor at the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Texas, Austin. Prior to taking up this position in 2003, Professor Wallingford held positions as a postdoctoral fellow under Richard Harland at the University of California, Berkeley from 1999 - 2003, while concurrently a visiting research associate at Scott Fraser’s lab at the California Institute of Technology. After completing his bachelor’s degree in biology and biochemistry from Wesleyan University, he went on to complete his doctorate in Biological Sciences at the University of Texas, Austin.
Professor Wallingford’s current research uses a molecular approach in combination with time lapse imaging to focus on the molecular and cellular basis of embryonic morphogenesis, and in particular the mechanisms of neural tube closure and gastrulation in Xenopus. He is also interested in axis elongation in Xenopus and chordates, as well as calcium signaling in Xenopus during convergent extension.
13th CDB Meeting
Morphogenetic Signalling: The View from the Frog
February 21st, 2006
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB)
Contact: cdb-meeting@cdb.riken.jp
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