
James Sharpe

James Sharpe is a systems biologist studying patterning and multicellular organisation during development - especially in vertebrate limb development. His thesis work, done at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London, focused on the regulation of Hox genes - in particular the interactions between cis-regulatory enhancers which control their spatial expression during development. In 1998 he moved to the MRC Human Gentics Unit in Edinburgh to work on the quantification and modelling of limb development, first as a post-doc and then as a group leader. During this time he invented the 3D imaging technique called Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) which allows the quantification of gene expression patterns in embryonic tissues and other mesoscopic samples.

The Sharpe lab is an interdisciplinary group, including biologists, physicists and computer scientists. A central goal of the lab is to understand limb development as a complex multi-scale process, by constructing a computer simulation that will incorporate both genetic control of the system and the physical/mechanical aspects of morphogenesis.


Buzz Baum
Christopher Chen
Cheng Ming Chuong
Lance Davidson
Suzanne Eaton
Darren Gilmour
Shigeo Hayashi
Frank Jülicher
Shigeru Kondo
Edwin M. Munro
Eugene W. Myers
Stuart A. Newman
Shuichi Onami
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
Satoshi Sawai
Ralf Schnabel
James Sharpe
Tatsuo Shibata
Tadashi Uemura
Cornelis Weijer
Orion Weiner