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Category CDBセミナー
Date and Time 2010-01-15 13:30 - 14:30
Venue Seminar Room A7F
Speaker Andrew Singson
Affiliation Waksman Institute & Department of Genetics, Rutgers University
Title Gamete activation and interactions required for reproductive success in C. elegans.
Poster click here to download(PDF)
Host Asako Sugimoto
Summary Reproductive success requires that two haploid cells – sperm and egg – unite to form a diploid zygote. From extensive study, the major events of fertilization are known in some detail. However, the molecular underpinnings of these events generally remain elusive. We are taking advantage of the Caenorhabditis elegans model system to address the molecular mechanisms of fertilization. One of the most significant advantages of C. elegans is our ability to isolate and maintain mutants that affect sperm or eggs and no other cells. I will discuss our discovery and analysis of molecules that function specifically during gamete activation and interactions. This work could also provide insights relevant to other important cell-cell interactions during the life and development of multicellular organisms.