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Category CDBセミナー
Date and Time 2011-06-13 16:00 - 17:00
Venue Seminar Room A7F
Speaker Dr. Katsutomo Okamura
Affiliation Department of Developmental Biology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Title Molecular mechanisms of small RNA pathways in Drosophila
Poster click here to download(PDF)
Host Akira Nakamura
summary Small RNA mediated gene regulation is recognized as a major gene regulatory mechanism in higher eukaryotes. microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are classes of small regulatory RNAs that function in parallel molecular pathways. miRNAs are found in most animal species and dysfunction of miRNA mediated gene regulation often leads to diseases in humans. Endogenous siRNAs also have essential roles in mouse oocyte development.
To better understand the mechanisms and functions of small regulatory RNAs, we have been using a range of approaches in Drosophila. Our analysis of small RNA libraries has revealed novel small RNA biogenesis pathways, including the mirtron and endo-siRNA pathways. Genome-wide analysis of small RNA abundance in mutants or purified Argonaute complexes also allowed us to decipher the molecular mechanisms of small RNA biogenesis. I will discuss how these small RNA pathways are organized in the cells and the roles of small RNA pathways in gene regulation.